Del Canho & Engelfriet

Strategy, mergers & acquisitions

In short

Our Services

Strategie & business development

M&A, allianties en financiering


Who we Are

Dave Del Canho
Founder and Managing partner
Dave del Canho has been Managing Partner at Del Canho & Engelfriet since 2008, where he supports clients in e.g., aerospace, transport, industry, innovative sustainability, fintech, and media. Prior to that he was SVP Corporate Strategy & Business Development at KLM from 1999-2007 and intensively involved in the merger with Air France. After completing his masters degree in business economics (with honors) at the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam and fulfilling his conscription in the Royal Dutch Navy, he held several financial and strategic management functions at Shell and McKinsey — in Europe and Asia. More recently, Dave held various supervisory positions, a.o. as chairman of the Supervisory Board of airlines Transavia and Martinair, at GVB (public transport Amsterdam), the OLVG hospital and the KLM pension funds. Currently he is Supervisory Board member of UMC Utrecht, Blue Sky Group and the Resistance Museum, chairman of the Board Stichting WKZ-fonds, and Board member of the Zadelhoff Foundation.

Joeri Engelfriet
Founder and Managing partner

Joeri Engelfriet has been Managing Partner at Del Canho & Engelfriet since 2008, and primarily active in aerospace, transport, industry, innovative sustainability, health care, financial services, and non-profit. Prior to that he was Director Strategy and M&A at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines from 2002-2008 and together with Dave intensively involved in the merger with Air France. Before 2002 he worked at McKinsey & Company as consultant. Before McKinsey Joeri worked as assistant professor at the Free University of Amsterdam. He holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence and masters degrees (with honors) in computer science and mathematics. His research resulted in over 25 scientific
Joeri was member of the Advisory Board of Infomedics Zorg B.V., non-executive board member of the CDC Group, and chairman of the Supervisory Board of a foundation for primary education. He is currently Supervisory Board chairman at HappyZorg and member of the Supervisory Board at Het Gastenhuis.


Selection of clients

Supervisory roles

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Postal addres: Gerrit van der Veenstraat 15, 1077DM, Amsterdam
BTW# NL818542676B01, KvK# 34.284.440
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